Abstain for the All Blacks.

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Sean Fitzpatrick driving pink fist-shaped dodgem car.

In a week which saw unusually low and high pressure systems combine to suck air straight up to New Zealand from the Antarctic and heavy snow fell across the South Island, lower North Island and Auckland for the first time in 76 years, a deep PR anticyclone visited Telecom NZ and looks likely to hang around for some time. The NZ media is looking on in disbelief and outrage at Telecom NZ ‘Abstain for the All Blacks’ campaign, which, while not yet officially sanctioned and scheduled (if sanctioned) to start next week has been (intentionally or unintentionally) leaked. Continue reading

Welcome to Telecom NZ

Sunset over K Raoad

View from my desk at sunset.

Telecom NZ, the largest ICT company in New Zealand has its head office incongruously located down the dodgy end of the Karangahape Road (affectionally know as the ‘K road’). It’s across the road from New Zealand Prostitute Cooperative (NZPC) and a stones throw away from a handful of hard drinking establishments where you definitely wouldn’t argue if instructed to ‘make the man some f@&kin’ eggs’.

My desk is on the 14th floor of a slightly ‘tired’ Telecom Building from where I can see Eden Park which is a nice surprise. The ‘if you told me a year ago that…..’ statements are going to be plentiful during this sabbatical!

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