Samoa: Part 3 – Goodby Samoa, thanks for having us !

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New outfits bought in Apia market.

We head back from Savai’i to Opolu and Aggie Greys. After the 3 hour journey we have a dip in the pool before visiting the two markets in Apia. It is very warm despite the shade of the canopy over the market stalls. The girls choose Samoan dresses from the market which will be worn at the Samoan cultural dinner that we are attending that evening.

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Samoa: Part 2 – Visit to Savai’i

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Fun with out taxi driver (right) at sliding rock.

We have a week ahead of us in Samoa so lots of time to explore. After breakfast and a dip in the pool we take a taxi to ‘sliding rock’ which is a series of connected natural pools through which a river runs . Between the pools the river flows of smooth slippery rock that you can slide down.

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Samoa: Part 1 – Arrival

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A warm welcome to Aggie Greys, Apia.

We finished packing after work and left for the airport at 9.00pm to catch the flight to Samoa. The flight was at 05.00 am Saturday morning. We ‘blagged’ our way into the Air New Zealand Gold Card lounge and the time passed very quickly before the 4 hr flight to Samoa. Sometime in the early hours we crossed the international date-line which propelled us back into Friday. We landed at Apia airport at around 5am (still Friday) Continue reading