
Rangitoto Island the extinct (?) volcanic island in the Waitamata harbour.

L-R Johnny, Cari, Ruth, Meg and Ellie.

I’d always considered myself to be the sort of bloke who seizes the day, relishes the extraordinary and enjoys a challenge. So, when I received the offer of a job in Auckland New Zealand, my bluff was well and truly called.

Advice from my epic French former boss was [heavy French accent] “Johnny, you must let your wife make zee final de-cis-ion”. And so it was that my wife Ruth, decided that we’d up-sticks from a comfortable and predictable life in Brecon, Wales  and head to New Zealand with out three young children Ellie (8) , Cari (7)  and Meg (4 years old) for a great adventure.

While there I sent a weekly email back to family and friends detailing our life in New Zealand. I’m now in the process of committing this record retrospectively to a blog an adding a few up-to-date observation on New Zealand life having returned to the UK after our 5 year sabbatical.

I hope you enjoy the the blog !!