Māori Challenge

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Welsh team paddle a traditional waka on the Waikato river in Hamilton.

I knocked-off work early this afternoon and travelled down to Hamilton with a lady from Tourism NZ to join the Wales squad on their day off in Hamilton. Through my contacts in  Tourism NZ I had arranged for the squad to paddle a waka (Māori war canoes) down the Waikato river  Continue reading

Wales v ABs, Dunedin.

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Wales face the last haka at the House of Pain.

Up at 05.45 for a 07.45 flight to the Dunedin. The flight was uneventful apart from the presence of half of NZ’s media. In Dunedin we checked into the Living Space hotel which perhaps could be better named ‘only just enough living space’ hotel as the room
is literally one and a half times the size of the bed and we have to orchestrate movements before executing them (but a bargain at £32 per night).  Continue reading