Telecom’s XT Launch



Faster in more places – like the K-Road prostitutes I was to run into early on launch day.

Telecom New Zealand’s decision in 2001 to adopt CDMA technology for its mobile network rather than GSM was, with hindsight, a bad decision. Like the Betamax / VHS story, CDMA may have been the better technology standard but, as most of the world adopted GSM, it became the default standard. For New Zealanders using a CDMA device, calling from overseas is not possible in certain countries (e.g. Australia) and the range of available phones is diminishing and starting to look decidedly dated as  handset manufacturers of are now stoping producing CDMA devices (which don’t use a SIM card). The game is all but over for the technology and Telecom is losing its share of the mobile market to Vodafone and its GSM network.

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