Christmas Road Trip – Abel Tasman


Anchorage Bay, Abel Tasman

Our sprint around the country continues and we head north to the Abel Tasman National Park. We catch a water taxi from Marahau to the beautiful Anchorage Bay where we are dropped of on the deserted beach for the morning.  Continue reading

Christmas Road Trip – Taupo to Nelson


Inter-island ferry to Picton.

We packed up the car today and said good-bye to Howell, Tracey, Iwan and Megan who are heading north from Taupo to Auckland, where they’ll stay in our house for a a couple of days before heading back to the UK. We’re heading in the other direction to Wellington where we’ll stay overnight before taking the ferry across to the Cook Straight to South Island.

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Beach Wedding.

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Beach Wedding, St Heliers Beach (Rangatoto hidden from view)

My best mate from home, Howell Havard, rang a few months ago to let me know that he was coming out to New Zealand for three weeks in December with his partner Tracey and their two children Iwan and Megan for a holiday. Howell runs a Breconshire-based sheep farming operation with his brothers and has been to New Zealand before shearing. I can’t remember quite how the telephone conversation went but it concluded with the decision that I would arrange for them to get married while they are in New Zealand.  Continue reading