12,000ft above Rotorua


Watch your head as you approach the aircraft.

Friday came around quickly this week and with a half-day booked-off from work and schools being far more reasonable about taking children out of school during term time we knock-off at lunch time and head for Rotorua where we plan to meet up with Gillian and Hywel who are travelling up from Gisborne. Continue reading

In-laws stay for 3 weeks :-)

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Gillian and Hywel @ 33a The Parade. St Heliers

Gillian and Hywel Jeffreys, Ruth’s parents, are retired primary school heads. They enjoy their travel and when we made our decision to shift out to New Zealand, they were the first to book their visit with us.

They made their way to us via Dubhai, Bankock and Sydney and are not knocked sideways by jet-lag when they arrive. Having now been away for six months it’s great to see them.  Continue reading

Rugby World Cup – Unlucky 13

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Count down clock at the Britomart, downtown Auckland.

It goes without saying that Rugby is massive in New Zealand. 5000 people attended the All Blacks last training session before they departed to France or the Rugby World Cup and a further 2000 people turn-up at the airport for their departure with the Air New Zealand ground crew doing the haka before they took-off on an Air New Zealand aeroplane with a specially commissioned black paint job.  Continue reading