Under 85kg Rugby

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Yours truly at the end of College Rifles Bullers v Teachers Easter in the Auckland under 85Kg Grade Rugby Plate final.

Amongst the items I shipped to NZ are my rugby boots. Despite my 37 years of age I clearly must have intended to play rugby while in NZ.

So I head to College Rifles rugby club, the nearest club to the house as far as I am aware, and  one of three ‘white’ rugby  clubs (I’m informed) in Auckland.

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A slow boat to Auckland

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Shipping containers at Auckland container port.

I pass Auckland container port every day on the way to and from work. There is something re-assuring about having a working port right onto the fringe of downtown Auckland and with 70% of New Zealand’s import and export goods passing through this relatively small space its fascinating to watch the 24 x 7 operation.  Continue reading

A Trip to Northland

It is the Queen’s birthday weekend this weekend (Hooray for the Queen !) so I have Monday off and have also taken Tuesday off as a holiday. A trip to Northland is not he cards.

The first stop on Saturday is  Whangarei Heads to meet up with and old Cardiff Uni friend Clive Lang and his family. I had not seen Clive for 15 years (when he emigrated to New  Zealand) – he has changed very little and is a project engineer with Fonterra at the local Dairy Production plant. It is a ‘lifestyle’ job for Clive – not too taxing allowing him plenty of time to surf and go fishing o his boat. Continue reading