Flying visits to Wellington and Christchurch

Wellington airport runway

The first of many landings at Wellington airport.

Having spent my first week in Auckland this week saw me heading on a ‘ticky tour’ to Christchurch and Wellington where Telecom has large offices .

Christchurch is the home of Telecom’s call centre and is where inbound email form the website is managed. Wellington on the other hand is where  the majority of the digital team. To a person they are very welcoming, so welcoming in fact that they send me a link to a youtube montage of Wellington airport landings to prepare me for my visit – Wellington airport is famous for its short runway, powerful cross-winds and ‘white-knuckle’ landings. My landing in Wellington proves uneventful apart from the visual spectacle of  generally white wooden houses hugging bush-clad hills that is the Wellington vista.

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Welcome to Telecom NZ

Sunset over K Raoad

View from my desk at sunset.

Telecom NZ, the largest ICT company in New Zealand has its head office incongruously located down the dodgy end of the Karangahape Road (affectionally know as the ‘K road’). It’s across the road from New Zealand Prostitute Cooperative (NZPC) and a stones throw away from a handful of hard drinking establishments where you definitely wouldn’t argue if instructed to ‘make the man some f@&kin’ eggs’.

My desk is on the 14th floor of a slightly ‘tired’ Telecom Building from where I can see Eden Park which is a nice surprise. The ‘if you told me a year ago that…..’ statements are going to be plentiful during this sabbatical!

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